Neiti Etiketti is a ten part series for children directed by Ville Rissanen and written by Ville Rissanen and Karoliina Blackburn. The idea behind the series sprung from an idea to highlight good behavior and etiquette by showing adults behaving badly and humorously teaching them lessons by way of the main character’s mysterious skills and with help from her two neighboring kids. Sometimes the trio even helps people in need in different situations to overcome loneliness or other issues that may hinder their everyday life.
Commissioned by YLE TV2 in 2015, the series premiered in March, 2016 and has since garnered more than 3,3 million views across all episodes on YLE Areena. It also helped the creators receive an award for the “Best Etiquette Act” of the year 2016. Despite not being picked for follow-up seasons, the series still remains a favourite among children and adults of all ages!
Neiti Etiketti is still online at Yle Areena so go and check it out!
Villle Rissanen, Karoliina Blackburn
Ville Rissanen
Anna Alkiomaa
Karoliina Blackburn, Helka Raitolehto, Aapo Salonen
Television Series
March 14, 2016